Friday, April 27, 2012

Yoga For Board Sports for $24.95

Cheap Yoga For Board Sports Discount Review Shop

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"Yoga For Board Sports" Overview

If you liked Yoga for Surfers I, then you're going to love Yoga for Board Sports! The Pre-Ride Warm Up gets you loose and focused for a great session and the Post-Ride Recovery gives you a revitalizing stretch so you can get back up and riding the very next day.Afraid you can't do yoga because you're not flexible enough? Then this is the series for you! You'll naturally and gradually increase your flexibility while improving your strength, balance and mental focus. You'll learn that yoga's not about executing a perfect pose - it's about staying calm and focused so you can fully experience whatever is going on "right now" - whether it's laying down a rail, carving a cutback or busting an air. Yoga will help you do it better!Pre-Ride Warm Up (25 minutes) Warm up all the joints and muscles you'll use when you ride, and get loose and focused for a great session! These poses are all done standing, so they're easy to do wherever you are - no yoga mat needed. Energize and invigorate!Post-Ride Recovery (25 minutes) Perfect to do after a day on your board (or a day at the office). These poses are all done on the floor for maximum stretching and recovery. You'll work out all the kinks so you'll be primed to go the next day.Bonus: Meditation for Calm Energy (5 minutes) Learn to develop a sense of calm energy to help you during your ride -- and in all aspects of your life.

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